Vitiligo: Traitement par combinaison de modalités thérapeutiques

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Medical Repigmentation treatments consist of: medical: topical (tacrolimus, pimecrolimus, topical corticosteroids…(calcipotriène, pseudocatalase, piperine)), systemic (pulse steroids…) -UV (Ultraviolet)-based therapy: Narrow Band UVB (NBUVB) is the mainstay of treatment. PUVA (Psoralen + UVA is also used but is more complicated (and less effective). Let us consider the following combination…

Acido azelaico (AZA) (Italiano)

L’acido azelaico (AZA) è un acido dicarbossilico sintetizzato dal fungo Malassezia Furfur. L’infezione cutanea sostenuta da questo fungo è responsabile di una depigmentazione significativa e di lunga durata delle zone affette, indotta presumibilmente dall’AZA. L’AZA è un inibitore della tirosinasi, un enzima chiave coinvolto nella melaninogenesi (sintesi della melanina) all’interno dei melanociti. In caso di…

Pigmenter la peau avec des injections de Afamelanotide (Melanotan) (Scenesse)

Indications: Photodermatoses Could be used as a “lifetstyle” drug to darken (tan) the skin. Afamelanotide (Melanotan) (Scenesse): induces melanin deposition (Alpha MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) analogue) is given subcutaneously in two injections of 20mg 60 days apart. Its effect is independent from UV (Ultraviolet) light exposure or dosage It increases tolerance to artificial light Contributors:…

Quoi de Neuf en Photodermatologie ?

-Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE): -appearance more papular in darker skin -PML patients are more resistant to UV-induced immunosuppression. Explains the “Hardening Concept”: desentisization treatment with UV light: enables immunotolerance -Voriconazole (antifungal): has been shown to induce developement of erythema, lentigenes, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma –Vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitor used for the treatment of metastatic melanoma):…

Traitement d’infections cutanées bactériennes: Comparaison entre le Tonkin et la Mupirocine

A double blind randomized controlled trial on the safety and effectiveness of 10% Ipomoea muricata (Tonkin) ointment vs. mupirocin ointment for the treatment of localized primary bacterial skin infections Melanie Pauline G. Chao-Lo, Arnelfa C. Paliza, Daisy G. Cauilan, Jocelyn D. Domingo, Zennie B. Aceron Department of Dermatology, University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines Background:…

Spironolactone dans le traitement de l’acné chez les jeunes femmes

Background: There has been an increasing incidence in the prevalence of adult acne vulgaris ranging between 30-50%. Androgens play a significant role in the pathogenesis of acne. Recently, hormonal therapy has been advocated as a first line therapy for acne vulgaris among female patients who experience premenstrual flares, acne beginning or worsening in adulthood and…

Hanseníase: Prevenção ((Português)

Prevenção: Primária: não há vacina disponível a vacina BCG contra a tuberculose BCG (Bacilo Calmette Guerin contra a tuberculose) tem uma influência Secundária (detectar a doença o mais cedo possível e tratá-la) quimioprofilaxia (tratamento de lepra subclínica) (destina-se a pessoas que possam estar em contato) e imunoprofilaxia: dose única de rifampicina entre 300 a 600…