Le laser excimer (308nm)(pour les professionnels)

Presentation -acts by inducing apoptosis of type T lymphocytes. -advantage: selective action -disadvantage: limited treatment surface and expensive -indications: psoriasis : we can combine the treatment with steroids and vitamin D derivatives. treatment of the plantar type unsatisfactory vitiligo: doses of 50-200mJ/cm2 (small doses) 2 treatment sessions per week for a maximum of 24 weeks…

IPL (Lampe flash) vs le laser à colorant pulsé (LCP)(pour les professionnels)

IPL (Intense-Pulsed Light) vs Pulsed-Dye Laser (PDL) (For Professionals) Introduction -IPL (Intense pulsed light): since 1994 many devices lots of indications (but overall less efective) usage by non doctors and lower doses easy to use but applicator more heavy than that of PDL. -Pulsed dye laser (PDL): only two devices a lot easier to use…

Les lasers ablatifs vs les lasers non-ablatifs (pour les professionnels)

Ablative Versus Non-Ablative Lasers (For Professionals) Introduction -ablative lasers (work by photocoagulation) or non-ablative lasers (work by photovaporisation)? -fractionated lasers use the prinicple of fractionated photothermolysis (concept introduced by Rox Anderson): small holes are created in the skin which stimulate deep in the dermis neocollagenesis. -fractionative lasers work deeper than classical lasers: 600-1000 microns. -3…


Albinisme: http://www.genespoir.org/ Amylose : http://www.amylose.asso.fr Ataxie-telangiectasie: http://asso.orpha.net/APRAT/__PP__0.html Bébé collodion: http://www.anips.net/ Behcet (maladie de): http://www.association-behcet.org//index.html Cutis laxa : http://www.orpha.net/nestasso/cutislax Epidermolyse bulleuse: http://www.langenony.fr/ Hidradénite Suppurée (Maladie de Verneuil) :  http://www.vmmv.fr/, http://www.afrh.fr/ Ichthyoses : http://www.anips.net/ Lyell : http://amalyste.free.fr Lupus érythémateux :http://www.orpha.net/nestasso/LFhttp://lupus.france.chez-alice.fr Marfan : http://www.vivremarfan.org Neurofibromatose (Maladie de Recklinghausen) : http://www.anrfrance.orghttp://www.neurofibromatosis-network.org/ Noonan : http://groups.msn.com/noonanfrance/ Pemphigus: http://www.pemphigus.asso.fr/ Pemphigoïde bulleuse: http://www.pemphigus.asso.fr/…

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