Melasma (Chloasma) (Masque de Grossesse): Traitement par le laser

Two things to know for melasma (chloasma, mask of pregnancy) initial treatment consists of topical application (in addition to sun protection): The use of hydroquinone creams combining Vitamin-A-steroids makes the laser treatment more effective if it has not been used. It is advisable to use a topical treatment as much as possible before using the…

Melasma (Chloasma) (Masque de Grossesse): Traitement par le laser

Two things to know for melasma (chloasma, mask of pregnancy) initial treatment consists of topical application (in addition to sun protection): The use of hydroquinone creams combining Vitamin-A-steroids makes the laser treatment more effective if it has not been used. It is advisable to use a topical treatment as much as possible before using the…

Règles pratiques pour le traitement des troubles de la pigmentation

As a general rule when treating pigment disorders with lasers, the following apply: It is important to recognize that we treat Always biopsy a suspicious lesion Know the alternative treatments Practical rules for treating pigmentation disorders Avoid aggravating factors (sun, irritating …) Do nothing for problems of pigmentation that heal on their own Treat problems…

Chloasma (Mélasma) (Masque de Grossesse): Traitements utilisés et leur classification en fonction de leur efficacité dans la litérature scientifique actuelle.

Treatments in use and their evidence in the treatment of Melasma (Chloasma) (Pregnancy Mask) Evidence is classified from A (the best with the most evidence) to E  A 4% hydroquinone + 0.05% retinoic acid (RA) + 0.01% fluocinolone acetonide B 4% hydroquinone (HQ) 0.1% tretinoin (RA) 2% HQ + 0.05% RA + 0.1% dexamethasone (Modified…

Nouvelles substances dépigmentantes

New Depigmenting substances: N-acetyl glucosamine Artocarpanone 4-n-butylresorcinol (rucinol) Ursolic Acid Anthraquinones Cinnamic Acid Macelignan Gallic Acid Glycine Isopanduratin A and 4-Hydroxypanduratin A Kurarinol, Kurarinidol and Trifolirhizin Pycnogenol 8% topical indomethacin cream Selina dien-8-one Taxifolin DeoxyArbutin and its second generation derivatives Hydroperoxy Traxastane t; type Triterpene Piceatannol Handog E. Brown Spots: Melasma Updates.2012 (02) – 20th…

Nouvelles substances dépigmentantes

New Depigmenting substances: N-acetyl glucosamine Artocarpanone 4-n-butylresorcinol (rucinol) Ursolic Acid Anthraquinones Cinnamic Acid Macelignan Gallic Acid Glycine Isopanduratin A and 4-Hydroxypanduratin A Kurarinol, Kurarinidol and Trifolirhizin Pycnogenol 8% topical indomethacin cream Selina dien-8-one Taxifolin DeoxyArbutin and its second generation derivatives Hydroperoxy Traxastane t; type Triterpene Piceatannol Handog E. Brown Spots: Melasma Updates.2012 (02) – 20th…

Lèpre: Prévention

Prevention: primary: no vaccine available Vaccination against tuberculosis (TBC) also called BCG  (Bacille Calmette Guerin against tuberculosis) has some effect secondary=early diagnosis and treatment: chemoprophylaxis (treatment of subclinical leprosy) (destined to those in potential contact) and immunoprophylaxis: single dose of rifampicine 300mg-600mg according to weight tertiary: prevention of disability leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) and TBC BCG…

Substances dépigmentantes existantes

They act through: Tyrosinase Inhibition Inhibitors of Inflammation-induced Melanogenic Response Peroxidase inhibition Product Reduction and ROS (Radical Oxygen Scavengers)   Tyrosinase inhibition hydroquinone 4-hydroxyanisole 4-S-CAP and derivatives Arbutin Aloesin Azelaic Acid Kojic Acid Ellagic Acid Resveratrol Oxyeresveratrol Licorice Extract Lactic Acid   Inhibitors of Inflammation Induced Melanogenic Response Chamomille Corticosteroids Gliabridin Tranexamic Acid   Peroxidase…

Melasma (Chloasma) (Masque de Grossesse): éléments diagnostics, épidémiologiques et importance de la protection solaire

Skin color is determined by: The type of melanin The amount of melanin in melanocytes The distribution pattern in surrounding keratinocytes   The term melasma comes from Greek melas: black Etiology: The exact cause is unknown but some factors play a role Ultraviolet light (UV) genetic factors thyroid disturbances cosmetics hormonal factors (in females) Epidemiology…