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Acné – 1969

Acne Vulgaris – 1969 Effect of chocolate on acne vulgaris. Fulton JE Jr, Plewig G, Kligman AM. JAMA. 1969 Dec 15;210(11):2071-4. [Etiopathogenesis of acne]. Puccinelli VA. Hautarzt. 1969 Dec;20(12):538-42. German. [Comparison of clinical effects of minocycline and demethylchlor-tetracycline in the dermatological field]. Minami K, Tashiro M. Jpn J Antibiot. 1969 Dec;22(6):493-500. Japanese. [Evaluation of minocycline…


Poster: Manifestations cutanées du diabète (D) (Pour les professionnels)

Poster: Skin Manifestations Of Diabetes Mellitus (For Professionals) There is no doubt diabetes is associated with skin manifestations, particularly skin infections. This study from the Middle East lists skin conditions in diabetic patients. 100 patients with DM were included in the study. The average age was 57 years old. Out of the patients who developed…


Acné – 1968

Acne Vulgaris – 1968 [Acne conglobata of the scrotum]. Dugois P, Colomb L, Anmblard P, Imbert R, de Bignicourt B. Lyon Med. 1968 Dec 29;219(52):1858. French. The action of estrogens on the sebaceous glands of the guinea-pig’s nipple. Maggiora A, Reiffers J, Bujard E, Jadassohn W. Experientia. 1968 Dec 15;24(12):1262-3. The use of lincomycin in…


Facteurs psychologiques dans les mycoses des ongles (infections fongiques des ongles)(infections des ongles par les champignons) (Pour les professionnels)

Psychological Factors In Nail Fungal Infections (For Professionals) Prevalence affects at one time 3-8% of the general population Represents half of the total number of cases of nail conditions Toes are 4-7 times more frequently affected than fingernails Having onychomysosis has an Influence on: psyche well being social functioning pain Two parameters are studied: quality…


Excoriations névrotiques (excoriation d’origine psychologique) (Pour les professionnels)

Neurotic Excoriations (For Professionals) The differential diagnosis is dermatitis artefacta, however patients with neurotic excoriations admit to scratching. The condition is more frequent in females Types of behaviour patterns inducing neurotic excoriations compulsive type: relieves anxiety impulsive type: relieves tension and brings arousal, pleasure. mixed type Patients with neurotic excoriations often suffer from one or…


Cancer de la peau après transplantation d’organes (Pour les professionnels)

Skin Cancer After Organ Transplant (For Professionals) Receiving a kidney or heart transplant nowadays means that survival of 20-30 years survival is quite possible. Organ rejection is no longer a major issue. But this comes at the price of: infections malignancies Example SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) risk is 200 times than in non transplanted individuals.…
