Epilation au laser – 1988
Laser Hair Removal – 1988
Pharyngoesophageal hair growth: the role of laser epilation.
Kuriloff DB, Finn DG, Kimmelman CP.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1988 Apr;98(4):342-5.
Laser Hair Removal – 1988
Pharyngoesophageal hair growth: the role of laser epilation.
Kuriloff DB, Finn DG, Kimmelman CP.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1988 Apr;98(4):342-5.
دكتور كرستوفير سو – اخصائي امراض جلدي (Christophe HSU) – جنيف سويسرا فيما يلي الأسباب الشائعة للبقع البيضاء على جلد الأطفال: 1) النخالية البيضاء 2) البهاق ما النخالية البيضاء؟ النخالية البيضاء هي التهاب خفيف (التهاب الجلد). تتميز هذه النخالية البيضاء بالبقع المتعددة البيضاوية والقشرية المعتدلة والمسطحة المتصبغة (البيضاء) على الوجه، والذراعين، والجذع العلوي. حدود هذه…
DetailsFeatures Of Atopic Dermatitis In Adults Atopic dermatitis in older patients: particular points. Katsarou A, Armenaka MC. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010 Jun 21. Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is increasing in its frequency mostly due to the phenomenal increase in atopy we have seen in the last 20 years. Therefore more and more adults are…
DetailsParaben free ! You may probably have heard this many times and lots of physicians prescribe products which do not contain them. But paraben-free products may also contain other dangerous substances, most notably those called phtalates. Parabens (parahydroxybenzoate) and phtalates are preservatives commonly found in many products such as cosmetics, shampoos, sunscreens….and the list goes…
DetailsScarring in acne as in other skin diseases is the result of an initally active process. Consider two situations: 1. either the pimples are still developing 2. the pimples have stopped developing and only scars are left 1. In this situation, it is important to prevent new pimples from developing as they are developing “bombs”…
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Teledermatology: Practical Approach (For Professionals) Setting up a teledermatology service Why do teledermatology ? It bridges the gap between medical specialists and patients. It can act at any distance and the asynchronous (store and forward) mode is also time independent. It brings specialist competence in underserved areas What are the considerations when setting up a…
DetailsWir sind eine Gruppe von Dermatologen aus allen Ecken der Welt und teilen ein gemeinsames Ziel, nämlich eine Informationsplattform zu Hauterkrankungen zu schaffen, die leicht zugängliche Informationen aus einer Hand zur Verfügung stellt. Diese Website wurde aus dem Bedürfnis erschaffen, dem Patienten und der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit soviel kurzgefasste Information wie möglich zur Verfügung zu stellen,…