
What is chicken pox ? It is an infectious condition caused by a virus called Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). It typically affects children. Does it always present ? Once infected, lesions present only after two to three weeks (incubation period). In 30% of cases, there is no obvious manifestation (subclinical). How does it look like…


Sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville (TSC)

What is tuberous sclerosis ? TSC is also called Bourneville-Pringle disease, Epiloia. It affects is of 1 individual out of 15000. It is an inherited (genodermatosis) neurocutaneous disorder with systemic and neurological manifestations (phacomatosis). It what way is it inherited ? It is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. However this is not absolute as…


L'ichtyose vulgaire

Ichthyosis Vulgaris: close-up What is ichthyosis vulgaris ? It is an inherited condition (Autosomal dominant pattern) It affects one in 250 people. What does it look like ? It causes dry scaly plaques. The lesions are usually more prominent on the limbs (arms and legs). The plaques usually start to appear a few months after…


Prévenir et traiter le mélasma (chloasma, masque de grossesse): bases de la protection contre le soleil, conseils pratiques et traitements “rapides et efficaces”

Melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) is notoriously difficult to treat and relapses are the norm in those responding to treatment Sunprotection must be against visible light and not only UV light. We cannot stress the importance of using sunprotection by: adopting sun avoiding behaviour avoid going in the sun between 10 am and 4pm (11am and…
