Introduction (pour les professionnels)

Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is a benign epidermal neoplasm which presents as an eruption of one to hundreds of  papules or plaques. The major potential burden for the patient is a cosmetic nuisance, but a florid acute appearance of SK lesions can rarely be associated with an internal neoplasm {Vielhauer, 2000; Heaphy, 2000; Grob, 1991}. Sometimes,…

La Télédermatologie: Une Introduction (Pour les Professionnels)

Teledermatology: Introduction (For Professionals) Some numbers The world has 8 million physicians (medical doctors) and therefore idealy, there would be 124 doctors for 100000 people. However, there are only 2% of all physicians are in Africa. Regarding dermatologists, it is estimated that ideally, there would be one dermatologist for 50000 people. However, there are huge…

Mésothéliome et peau: Une introduction (Pour les professionnels)

Mesothelioma is one of the most severe cancers which develops from the mesothelial lining which wraps some organs: the lungs (more precisely the pleura) the heart (pericardium) the abdominal cavity (peritoneum) the testicles (tunica vaginalis)… It is an occupational related condition (for the lungs) due to the exposure to asbestos (and erionite). Although there is…

Tokelau (Dermatophytose imbriquée): une infection dermatophytique “magnifique” (Pour les professionnels)

Synonyms Tinea Imbricata, Tokelau, Concentric tinea, Indian tinea, Chinese tinea, Scaly tinea, Elegant tinea, Lace tinea, Chimbéré, Gogo. Grillé, Cacapash, Shishiyotl, Roña. Introduction E. Wilson a prominent British dermatologist of the 19th century used to say that two kinds of skin were interesting: beautiful skin or a beautiful skin disease. Tokelau (Tinea Imbricata) is compatible…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Introduction (Pour les professionnels)

Alcohol consumption is a difficult to control epidemic. In some countries alcohol consumption is part of the culture and its consumption starts young and continues until death. In countries such as Russia (Russian Federation), alcohol consumption levels have reached such alarming levels that it is responsible for a reduction of life expectancy to 60 years…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Porphyrie Cutanée Tardive (PCT) (Pour les professionnels)

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) All porphrias are hereditary except PCT type I PCT type I also as symptomatic protoporphria Epidemiology: affects males from 40 onwards, often with a history of alcohol abuse Three categories PCT I: symptomatic protoporphyria, non hereditary, 80% of PCTs, deficit in uroporphrinogen decarboxylase (only in hepatocytes) PCT II: : autosomal dominant,…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Cirrhose (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Cirrhosis Spider naevi: present in 75% of the time on the face and trunk rarely unilateral of the nevoid type, which abundance would correlate with the existence of oesophageal varicosities (Foutch et al). Nails total apparent leuconychia (Terry’s nails): 80% of patients with cirrhosis. Proximal 2/3 white, presumed…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Prurit (Démangeaisons) (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Pruritus It may appear up to 2 years before the onset of cirrhosis 40% of alcohol abusers with liver disease are estimated to have severe pruritus generalized but with predilection to extensor extremities, upper trunk, palms and soles chemical mediators (Bile acids) are thought to directly depolarize nerve…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Ictère (Pour les professionnels)

Jaundice due to the deposition of billirubin, product of the breakdown of heme: accumulation in the liver due to impaired hepatic conjugation. It subsequently binds tissues with a special affinity to elastin. detectable with serum levels above 2.5 mg/dL The ocular sclera are often the first to turn yellow. Differential Diagnosis (DD): prehepatic, hepatic (Primary…

L’Alcool et la peau (éthylisme) – Pancréatite (Pour les professionnels)

Pancreatitis Due to alcohol abuse in 65% of cases Clinically: Panniculitis also called nodular cystosteatonecrosis or cutaneous nodular adiponecrosis: mechanism thought to be due to the liberation of enzymes in the circulation directly or through lymphatic channels found in the male between 40 and 70 years old clinically: dermohypodermic inflammatory plaques predominantly located in the…