Livres clefs au 19ème siècle (Angleterre, France, Autriche)

Key dermatology books in the 19th century (England, France, Austria) Books in English: These books are the first which uses dermatologic classification terms (papules, nodules….) still used to this day. Robert Willan and Thomas Bateman Delineations of cutaneous disease (1819): commentary: lots of illustrations Robert Willan and Thomas Bateman: A practical synopsis of cutaneous…

Images reconnaissables de nos jours: Moritz Kaposi (1881): Leçons sur les maladies de la peau

Pictures Still Recognizable Nowadays: Moritz Kaposi (1881): Leçons sur les maladies de la peau Did you know ? Sarcoptes scabiei was first proposed to be the cause of Scabies in a 19th century medical thesis. It was demonstrated publicly by its Author, Ranucci in Paris: The mite was taken out of the burrow with a…

Chéloides (pour les professionels)

Keloids represent an abnormal reaction to trauma with an excessive tissue response and a excessive production of collagen (increased mRNA of collagen). Effective treatment modalities are limited and include on first line cryotherapy, intralesional injections of steroids, compression therapy, and radiotherapy (in trained hands). The best treatment second line treatment remains to our mind excision…

Problèmes actuels en cette période de « post éradication » de la lèpre (Pour les professionnels)

Current Problems in this “Post Eradication Period” of Leprosy (For Professionnals) *WHO (World Health Organization) has used many techniques to diminish leprosy newly diagnosed cases (to reduce reports of the condition…) Treatment is said to be easy Beliefs and why leprosy is neglected: People and politicians think leprosy does not exist anymore and that it…

Acide Tranexamique en prise orale pour traitement du melasma (chloasma) (Masque de grossesse): Efficacité

Oral Tranexemic Acid in the treatment of Melasma (Chloasma)(Pregnancy Mask): Efficacy Therapeutical effects of tranexamic acid have been shown in anecdotal reports Goh BK and al. treated 20 patients refractory to topical treatment with small doses of tranexamic acid (250mg twice a day) for 3 to 6 months. Assessment of results was done with photos,…

Acide Tranexamique en prise orale pour traitement du melasma (chloasma) (Masque de grossesse): Introduction

Oral Tranexemic Acid in the treatment of Melasma (Chloasma) (Pregnancy Mask): An Introduction Melasma (Chloasma) (Pregnancy Mask) is a frequent cause of acquired hyperpigmentation, particularly in Asian women. Although associated with sun exposure, pregnancy, oral contraceptives and hormones replacement therapy, the physiopathology of its development remains largely unknown. Locally applied agents (topicals) are the mainstay…

Le rôle des vaisseaux sanguins dans le melasma (chloasma) (masque de grossesse)

The role of blood vessels in melasma (chloasma) (pregnancy mask) Melasma (chloasma)(pregnancy mask) is characterized by hyperpigmented macules which also tend to appear in hyperestrogenic hormonal states. On histology, there is an increased deposit of melanin in the epidermis. Clinically, melasma lesions are also characterized by redness and telangiectasia. This equates to an increased number…

Les nouveaux-arrivages dans le traitement du psoriasis par les biologiques

Prospective new biologic therapies for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Mortel MR, Emer J. J Drugs Dermatol. 2010 Aug;9(8):947-58. In the very young and trendy world of the “biologics” in the treatment arsenal of Psoriasis and Psoriastic arthritis, agents with different molecular targets have come. Some like Etanercept and Infliximab are thriving and some because of…