Lichen Planopilaire traité par Pioglitazone

Lichen Planopilaris Treated With a Peroxisome Proliferator—Activated Receptor γ Agonist Paradi Mirmirani, MD and Pratima Karnik, PhD Arch Dermatol. 2009 December; 145(12): 1363–1366. Lichen planopilaris is a form of scarring alopecia and beyond dignosis and steroid treatment, little is available. This article shows an alternative therapeutic modality. The mode of action is through agnosit action…

Leberflecken (Lentigo simplex, Lentigo juvenilis) (Deutsch)

Was ist Solar Lentigenes? Solar Lentigenes sind braune Flecken von 1 cm Durchmesser oder größer, die in der Regel im Gesicht und den Handrücken auftreten. Solar Lentigenes sind Anzeichen für eine übermäßige Sonnenbestrahlung. Sie treten häufig bei Menschen über 40 auf, insbesondere wenn sie über einen sehr langen Zeitraum im Freien gearbeitet haben. Wie wird…

Peelings chimiques (exfoliation) pour les troubles de la pigmentation

How does it work ? destruction of the epidermis and dermis followed by their natural reconstitution. Treatment indications include ephelides (frekles) solar lentigenes (lentigo) superficial melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) acne-induced pigmentation To learn more about chemical peels, click here. To learn more about a safe and effective depigmenting cream, click here. Source…

Problèmes actuels en cette période de « post éradication » de la lèpre (Pour les professionnels)

Current Problems in this “Post Eradication Period” of Leprosy (For Professionnals) *WHO (World Health Organization) has used many techniques to diminish leprosy newly diagnosed cases (to reduce reports of the condition…) Treatment is said to be easy Beliefs and why leprosy is neglected: People and politicians think leprosy does not exist anymore and that it…

Les nouveaux-arrivages dans le traitement du psoriasis par les biologiques

Prospective new biologic therapies for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Mortel MR, Emer J. J Drugs Dermatol. 2010 Aug;9(8):947-58. In the very young and trendy world of the “biologics” in the treatment arsenal of Psoriasis and Psoriastic arthritis, agents with different molecular targets have come. Some like Etanercept and Infliximab are thriving and some because of…