4-n-butylrésorcinol (4NB) dans le traitement des troubles de la pigmentation (Pour les Professionnels)

The authors seek to measure the effet of  4-n-butylresorcinol to treat pigmented spots by comparing it with hydroquinone, arbutin and kojic acid. Hypothesis: Tyrosinase is the enzyme enabling the production of melanin. Many studies only investiage tyrosinase in mushrooms and mice melanoma cells These substances are not necessarily inhibitors of human tyrosinase Study Comparison of…

Troubles hyperpigmentaires dans la population “blanche” (Pour les professionnels)

The following conditions can be found in the Caucasian population (non-exhaustive list): Freckles (Ephelides): increased amount of melanin with normal number of melanocytes lentigenes (solar lentigo): appear after 50 years old. Histologically: epidermal pigmentation located mainly in the basal layer Caused by an increase number of melanocytes (containing a normal amount of melanin) Solar hyperpigmentation:…

Hyperhidrose et traitement systémique (Pour les professionnels)

Systemic therapy for primary hyperhidrosis: a retrospective study of 59 patients treated with glycopyrrolate or clonidine. Walling HW. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Mar;66(3):387-92. Epub 2011 Aug 4. Hyperhidrosis is a socially bothersome and psychologically devastating condition which occurs spontaneously, but can reach extreme proportions in hot and humid wethaer conditions. Treatment options appear to…

Cysteamine Creme comme nouvel agent depigmentant

Presented at the Scientific Meeting: European Academy of Dermatology (EADV), Annual Meeting. Prague (Praha), Czech Republic (Česká republika, Česko), 27 – 30 September 2012 Hsu.C. 1, Pourahmadi M.2, Ahmadi S. 2, Ali Mahdi H. 3 1:Centre Medical du Lignon, Geneva, Switzerland. 2: Jahrom University Medical school, Jahrom, Iran. 3: Global Dermatology Information Portal. Royal Bahrain…