
الارتكاريا هي حاله جلديه منتشرة وتظهر على شكل طفح متنقل وسريع الزوال ويسبب حكه و قد تكون الأرتكاريا حادة أو مزمنة .ويتكون الطفح من انتبارات(انتفاخات مسطحه ومرتفعه عن سطح الجلد) Weals .وتكون الآفات الفردية مؤقتة ، حيث تستمر اقل من 24 ساعة.
والإنتبارات weals  عبارة عن آفات مرتفعة حاكه سببها وذمة(ترشيح سوائل) بالأدمة dermal edema .وتقسم…

الحزاز المسطح LichenPlanus

يعتبر الحزاز المسطح أحد الأمراض الجلدية  المزمنة ويظهر غالباً لدى البالغين رجالاً ونساءً . ويظهر على شكل حبوب صغيرة بنفسجية اللون ذات سطح مستوي ويظهر عليها قشور خفيفة وعند تدقيق الفحص يمكن رؤية خطوط بيضاء صغيرة على سطح هذه الحبوب وعادة يسبب الحزازحكّه.
ويظهر طفح الحزاز المسطح في أي مكان من الجسم ولكنه يتركز على الرسغ…

داء الفم و اليد والقدم ( HFMD )

مقدمة :
يعتبر داء الفم و اليد والقدم ( HFMD ) مرضاً فيروسياً , يتميز بمظاهر سريريه عبارة عن طفح فموي و آفات متميزة متوضعة على نهايات الأطراف . العوامل المسببة للمرض هي الفيروسات المعوية من عائلة (Picornaviridae ) . و السلالات الأكثر شيوعاً هي (> Enterovirus 71 < EN-71و coxsackie A virus ) .
يصيب المرض…

Manifestations cutanées de l’anaphylaxie (choc anaphylactique) (Pour les professionnels)

Anaphylaxis is a severe form of allergic reaction to certain substances such as food, drugs, insect stings and others. These substances serve as stimuli which attract certain antibodies in the body known as IgE antibodies. These IgE antibodies are bound to mast cells in the skin. These mast cells release chemicals that are disseminated in…

Manifestations cutanées de l’anaphylaxie (choc anaphylactique) (Pour les professionnels)

Anaphylaxis is a severe form of allergic reaction to certain substances such as food, drugs, insect stings and others. These substances serve as stimuli which attract certain antibodies in the body known as IgE antibodies. These IgE antibodies are bound to mast cells in the skin. These mast cells release chemicals that are disseminated in…

Utilisation de l’Hydroquinone et Ochronose

Rule No: 1 Recognize melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) Rule out the differential diagnoses: lichen planus pigmentosus (darker skin patients (Indians), pigmentation is often seen behind the ears) Hori’s Nevus Drug-induced hyperpigmentation ochronosis Rule No: 2 If the patient reports worsening of melasma with hydroquinone use, consider seriouslsy the diagnosis of ochronosis: Stage 3 ochronosis is…

Utilisation de l’Hydroquinone et Ochronose

Rule No: 1 Recognize melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) Rule out the differential diagnoses: lichen planus pigmentosus (darker skin patients (Indians), pigmentation is often seen behind the ears) Hori’s Nevus Drug-induced hyperpigmentation ochronosis Rule No: 2 If the patient reports worsening of melasma with hydroquinone use, consider seriouslsy the diagnosis of ochronosis: Stage 3 ochronosis is…

Troubles Hyperpigmentaires chez les enfants

Pigmentary disorders are frequent in children and can result in significant psychosocial problems. Hyperpigmentary disorders can be classified into melanocytes problems (epidermal, dermal) and neurocutaneous disorders presenting with pigmentation problems. Giant congenital nevus carries a low risk of malignant transformation (melanoma) but it is important to exclude cutaneous neuromelanosis in high risk patients. Malignant lentiginosis…

Troubles Hyperpigmentaires chez les enfants

Pigmentary disorders are frequent in children and can result in significant psychosocial problems. Hyperpigmentary disorders can be classified into melanocytes problems (epidermal, dermal) and neurocutaneous disorders presenting with pigmentation problems. Giant congenital nevus carries a low risk of malignant transformation (melanoma) but it is important to exclude cutaneous neuromelanosis in high risk patients. Malignant lentiginosis…

Synthèse de la Mélanine et ses perturbations

Melanin is produced by mature melanocytes. The biosynthesis of melanin is a complex which implicateds numerous enzymes which include tyrosinase, TRP1, TRP2…Genetic disturbances of these enzymes can result in a pigmentary dilution which translates clinically with depigmentation as is seen for example in oculocutaneous albinism. The production of melanin is done within melanocytes in organelles…