Role des microfibrilles de fibrilline dans le vieillissement et le photovieillissement (dermatohéliose) (vieillissement induit par le soleil) (pour les professionnels)

Role Of The Microfibrills of Fibrillin In Aging (Ageing) And Photoaging (Photoageing) (Sun-induced Ageing) (For Professionals) Presentation of fibrillin is an extracellular protein is responsible as scafolding for deposition elastic fibres exists as fibrillin f1 and 2 encoded by FBN1 and 2 encoding Marfan syndrome Functions of fibrillin: strengthens elastic fibres and enables transmission of…

Traitements par la toxine botulique (Botox©)

What is Botulinum Toxin ? How does it treat wrinkles ? It is a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinium. When injected in big quantities, the toxin induces muscular paralysis. In smaller quantities in a targeted muscle, the paralysis remains localized. Therefore, if it is injected in the muscles which produce frowning wrinkles and…

Peelings chimiques (traitements exfoliants)

What is a chemical peel ? Also called exfoliation treatment, it is a technique of skin regeneration, thus having an “anti-aging” effect. An evaluation before treatment as well as the treatment itself must be done by a physician experienced in dermatology. Different chemical substances can be used. By this technique, skin is exfoliated followed by…

Traitements par l’IPL (Lampe flash)

IPL Treatment Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What is IPL? IPL stands for “Intense pulsed light”. It is a technology which enables treatment of multiple skin conditions, such as pigmentation and small vascular malformations (telangiectasia). This technology is also known to the public as photorejuvenation. This machine is not a laser in strict…