Cysteamine comme nouvelle substance dépigmentante

Presented at the following Scientific Meeting: National Skin Centre (NSC) Dermatology Update, Singapore, 12-13 May 2012 Hsu.C. 1, Pourahmadi M.2, Ahmadi S. 2, Ali Mahdi H. 3. 1:Centre Medical du Lignon, Geneva, Switzerland. 2: Jahrom University Medical school, Jahrom, Iran. 3: Global Dermatology Information Portal. Royal Bahrain Hospital, Bahrain Introduction Cysteamine (mercaptoethylamine) is a product…

DERMACATCH – Le dernier arrivé dans la mesure de la couleur de la peau

Precise skin color (colour) measurement is of the utmost importance for researchers as well as clinicians involved in the field of skin pigmentation. Skin colorimetry has proved to be a delicate and rather complex issue.  This complexity results from several facts: Skin erythema, which readily changes due to internal or external factors, can highly interfere…

Pigmentation par la mélanine et couleur de la peau

In humans, melanin pigments are responsible for the visible color of the skin, hair and eyes. Although the blood within the dermis and exogenous pigments as carotenoids may play a role in producing different skin hues, variations in skin pigmentation between different ethnic groups (namely Negroid, Asian and Caucasians) is primarily determined by the amount…

Traitements par l’IPL (Lampe flash)

IPL Treatment Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What is IPL? IPL stands for “Intense pulsed light”. It is a technology which enables treatment of multiple skin conditions, such as pigmentation and small vascular malformations (telangiectasia). This technology is also known to the public as photorejuvenation. This machine is not a laser in strict…