MST – Définition

Also called sexually transmitted infections or venereal diseases, these are infection which can be transmitted by sexual intercourse. Bacteria, Viruses, fungi and protozoa can cause these infections. What are the most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (STD) ?   Chlamydial Infections Genital Herpes Genital warts (Condlyloma Accuminata) Gonorrhea HIV Infection/AIDS Non specific Urehtiritis (Non Gonoccacal Urethritis)…


MST – mode de transmission

How does one catch a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Sexual intercourse with an individual having a STI. Transmission of body fluids (sperm, vaginal or cervical secretions): Gonorrhoea (Gonorrhea) Hepatitis B HIV (Virus of AIDS) Non Specific (Non Gonoccocal) Urethritis Close contact with an individual having a STI: Condyloma Accuminata (Genital warts) Genital Herpes Pediculosis Pubis…


MST – confirmation du diagnostic et traitement

How is a Sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosed ? Blood and urine samples enable to detect common STIs (Chlamydial infections, HIV, Gonorrhoea (Gonorrhea), Syphilis). However, local sampling on the skin and mucous membranes and of discharge fluides according to the guidance of the doctor (physician) will confirm the diagnosis. Can all STIs be cured ?…
