Liens entre les cancers de la peau et les Transplantations d’organes (Pour les professionnels)

Skin Cancer and Organ Transplants:  Is There A Connection? (For Professionals) Everyone has probably heard something about skin cancer and organ transplantation, but do these two separate entities have a connection with each other? To find out whether indeed, one has a possibility of getting skin cancer when one has undergone organ transplantation, let us…

Cancer de la peau après transplantation d’organes (Pour les professionnels)

Skin Cancer After Organ Transplant (For Professionals) Receiving a kidney or heart transplant nowadays means that survival of 20-30 years survival is quite possible. Organ rejection is no longer a major issue. But this comes at the price of: infections malignancies Example SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) risk is 200 times than in non transplanted individuals.…