Rôle des récepteurs de la dioxine (aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR)) dans l’induction de l’expression de la matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) – 1 par des extraits de fumée de tabac (Pour les professionnels)

Role Of The Dioxin Receptors (Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors (AhR)) In The Induction of The Expression of The Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) – 1  Enzyme By Tobacco Smoke Extracts (For Professionals) Two types of aging: intrinsic aging extrinsic aging: ultraviolet and tobacco smoking odds ratios for wrinkles in patients with risk factors versus no risk factor individuals…

Nouveautés dans la pathogenèse et le prévention du vieillissement cutanée d’origine extrinsèque (photovieillissement)(dermatohéliose)(pour les professionnels)

What’s New In The Pathogenesis And Prevention Of Extrinsic Aging (Ageing) (Photoaging) (For Professionals) Photoaging (Extrinsic Aging, solar elastosis) Skin Aging can be Understood by considering two concepts Cumulative acute stress through chronic mechanisms: three stages degeneration of macromolecules Altered cell function Modified Structure and function of organs Mt (mitochondrial) DNA mutation: increased oxidative stress…