MST – confirmation du diagnostic et traitement

How is a Sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosed ? Blood and urine samples enable to detect common STIs (Chlamydial infections, HIV, Gonorrhoea (Gonorrhea), Syphilis). However, local sampling on the skin and mucous membranes and of discharge fluides according to the guidance of the doctor (physician) will confirm the diagnosis. Can all STIs be cured ?…

Mésothéliome et peau: le diagnostic peut être fait sur des lésions cutanées (Pour les professionnels)

Mesothelioma can initially be Diagnosed on Skin Lesions: Malignant mesothelioma presenting as a lip tumor: report of two cases with one unrecognized by 166 pathologists. Beer TW, Heenan PJ. Am J Dermatopathol. 2007 Aug;29(4):388-91. Cutaneous metastases as the first manifestation of pleural malignant mesothelioma. Maiorana A, Giusti F, Cesinaro AM, Conti A, Rossi G. J…

Tokelau (Dermatophytose imbriquée): Diagnostic et diagnostic différentiel (Pour les professionels)

Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis

  • Diagnosis is clinical and can be confirmed by scale scrapings and fungal culture.
  • In acute presentation in can be confused with secondary syphilis, granuloma annulare and erythema annulare centrifugum.
  • In chronic presentation it can look like ichtyosis and erythema gyratum repens.
