Androgenetic Alopecia Treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Androgenetic alopecia is an often hereditary condition with thinning of the hair into vellus hairs which occurs in males and females according to a male pattern (Hamilton classification) or a female pattern (ludwig classification) It is psychologically devastating and treatments include topical (minoxidil), oral (finasteride) treatments sometimes so ineffective that the only solution is wearing…

Manifestations cutanées des connectivites mixtes (ou connectivite mixte) (CM) (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)) (Pour les professionnels)

One of the autoimmune systemic diseases which have extensive skin manifestations is mixed connective tissue disease or MCTD. This disorder is a combination of other autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and polymyositis. The cause of this disorder is not completely known but is stipulated to be an effect of one’s immune system…

Vitiligo and Metabolic syndrome

Vitiligo affects 1% of the world population and is a psychologically devastating disease especially when visible areas are affected, such as the face. Psoriasis is associated with the so-called named “metabolic syndrome” (MS): abdominal (central) obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high serum triglycerides, and low high-density cholesterol (HDL) levels) Metabolic syndrome is…

Skin Evolutionary Theories in Early Mankind (Applied Darwinian principles) and the importance of MC1R

Characteristics of the skin in the direct predecessor of mankind (homo (neandertalis…)): functional hairlessness increased density of eccrine glands persistence of hair follicular units 1 million years ago, the predecessors of mankind, the skin (in addition to becoming hairless became) darkly pigmented and MC1R became invariant It was been shown that in that skin; High…

Vitiligo evolving badly: the "Confetti-like macule sign"

The evolution of vitiligo is difficult to predict and follicular regimentation is a sign of positive evolution ov vitiligo often, when undergoing treatment. Conversely there is apparently a sign of unfavorable of evolution: confetti-like marks These are small irregular (confetti shaped) macules on the periphery of preexisting vitiligo lesions in patients with extensive vitiligo vulgaris…

The role of melanocytes in skin pigmentation and how they are regulated

In mammals, the melanocyte and melanin are responsible hair color and protection of the skin from ultraviolet light (UV). In their development, melanocytes initally derived from neural crest cells, migrate to the basal layer of the epidermis and hair follicles. The migration and proliferation of these cells and the synthesis of melanin is a regulated…