Atteinte nerveuse dans la maladie Hansen (lepre): regardez les ongles !

Leprosy (Hansen’s disease) is an often ignored skin disease and this infectious disease can sometimes affect the nervous system. Non-specific nail changes can be found in Leprosy. The authors sought to study nail changes in leprosy: In this study cases of Hansen’s were collected from August 2011 to April 2012 (exclusion congenital nail deformities, fungal…

PDT (thérapie photodynamique) pour traiter l'acné dans la population asiatique

PDT (Photodynamic therapy) acts through the elimination of the bacteria Propinibacterium Acnes Short contact with the photosensitizing substance is enough (less than 90 minutes vs around 4 hours for conventionnal indications) More effective for papulopustular lesions (vs comedonal) phototypes II and III carry a lower risk of (postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) PIH following treatment.   The authors…

PDT (Thérapie photodynamique) contre le carcinome basocellulaire (CBC) chez les asiatiques

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is less common in the Asian population Pigmented variants are more common which suggests that PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) is not the most recommendable treatment for this population group The study concerned 45 patients with 95 lesions and included only those with phototypes IV and V: clearance rate at 4 months was…

Résistance aux traitements contre la lèpre (maladie de Hansen)

Historical Events in the treatment of Hansen’s disease (Leprosy). 1943 – Paget reported promin treatment (sulphone) 1949 – dapsone introduced 1981 – MDT (Multi Drug Therapy) introduced 1964 – Dapsone resistance reported 1976 – Rifampicin resistance reported 2005 – Quinolone resistance reported 2007 – Cases of Resistance to MDT in 2007 reported 2009 – The…

Traitement des précanceroses par la PDT (phothérapie dynamique) chez les asiatiques

Indications for PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) generally speaking include: Actinic Keratosis (AK): in Asian patients few studies are available One study enrolled 43 patients with 58 AK (located on the face) 85% cleared after 1 treatment at 4 weeks follow-up. Bowen’s disease (Squamous-Cell Carcinoma in situ): in a Singaporean study 43 patients were recruited lesions were…

Déformation de le main provoquée par la maladie de Hansen: la main en griffe (Claw hand)

Claw hand is the most common deformity in leprosy: It is due to paralysis of the intrinsic muscles hand which is innervated by the median and/or ulnar nerves. Leads to hyperextension of MCP (metacarophalangeal) joints and flexion of the IP (interphalangeal) joints. Management consists of occupational therapy and/or reconstruction surgery. In this case report from…

Les kératoses actiniques au Japon

Actinic Keratosis (AK) in Japan: tend to be multiple 20% evolve into Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) clinical types: macular, horn, papular, actinic cheilitis. All types can be pigmented: atypical keratinocytes containing melanin granules in the cytoplasm Aging of AK and histological caracteristics: early AKs: no parakeratosis atypical keratinocytes limited to the basal layer no budding…