Acné excoriée: traitement d'une maladie d'origine psychologique

Acne excoriee (AE) is a psychodermatosis which typically affects young women. It is a self-inflicted dermatosis which is  admitted by the patients The patients pick on imagined papules and on physical examination, none of the elementary lesions of acne (comedones) are present. 2 types of psychological mechanisms explain the picking: habitual picking emotional picking Treatment…

Techniques utilisées en cryothérapie / cryochirurgie

Cryotherapy is more effective when an appropriate technique is used. This depends on the specific effect (lien) one wishes to obtain, the shape of the lesion as well as the “strength” of the freezing. Open spray technique: method: directly spraying the lesion indication flat lesions (macular) examples: lentigos, actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinoma, bowen’s…

Acne fulminans déclenché par l'isotrétinoïne: un autre élément à rajouter à la controverse

Acne fulminans is the presence of very severe inflammatory acne lesions (nodules…) accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, joint pain. This is the most severe form of acne and requires the use of systemic steroids. Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition and can be mild, moderate or severe. Treatment is stepwise and starts…

La dermatologie en Allemagne (11% du PIB)

The world is always changing (population ages, economies grow stronger or weaker), and healthcare systems adapt. In the United States since the economic crisis of 2008 the “Obama-care” health system arrived, bringing with it the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized government-controlled managed-care model. …Let’s talk about  dermatology in Germany. Like Switzerland the healthcare system…

L'Ustekinumab (Stelara) dans le traitement du psoriasis

Ustekinumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody against the common p40 subunit of IL-12 and IL-23. Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of ustekinumab have demonstrated significant and prolonged efficacy in the treatment of plaque psoriasis. Adverse events were generally similar across treatment and control groups. Studies are ongoing to assess the long term safety and…