Prévenir les douleurs apres le zona avec le vaccin contre l'herpès (douleurs post-zostériennes) (Pour les professionnels)

Shingles is due to the activation of the herpes zostervirus (HZV) following its reactivation from doral ganglia following chicken pox. It is usually self-limited but after 60 there is a much higher incidence of pain following shingles (post-herpetic neuralgia). The pain can last from months to years afterwards.   Incidence of shingles and post herpetic…

Recherche dans le domaine de la pigmentation in vitro (Pour les profesionnels)

Mattek is a company which produces artificial skin models and the authors show application for pigmentary disorders models such as melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. In the study the authors used MelanoDermTM, which is a three-dimensional tissue culture model of human epidermis that contains normal human melanocytes (NHM) and keratinocytes (NHK). The origin of donors (African…

Risque de mélanome et consommation d'alcool (Pour les professionnels)

Alcohol consumption is linked to many skin problems (click here for manifestations of alcohol on the skin). However this study brings a new association: Melanoma. In this study using statistics (retrospective) the authors documented 1385 patients with invasive melanoma and 750 patients with melanoma in situ who were all followed for an average of 19 years.…

Etudier l'Hyperpigmentation Post-inflammatoire (HPI) chez l'homme (Pour les professionnels)

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common problem in darker skin types and happens after injury or inflammatory dermatoses such as acne vulgaris. The authors sought to create a reproductible model in humans after inducing PIH on the trunk with trichloracetic acid 35% (TCA 35%) and comparing it with PIH induced by truncal acne. 4 patients…

ВИЧ-инфекция и СПИД (русский язык)

Что такое СПИД? СПИД расшифровывается как синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита. СПИД является заключительной стадией инфекции, вызванной вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ).   Как человек может заразиться ВИЧ? При незащищенном половом контакте с инфицированным человеком При использовании зараженных шприцев или игл (лицами, принимающими наркотики внутривенно) От матери к ребенку во время беременности, при родах или при грудном вскармливании.…

Le soja pour dépigmenter la peau (Pour les professionnels)

Soy contains antioxydants calles isoflavones. The 2 main ones are genistein and daizedine. In this study, the authors studied 7,3’,4’-Trihydroxyisoflavone (7,3’,4’-THIF), a metabolite of daidzedine would have a depigmenting effect Contrarily to daizedine, 7,3’,4’-THIF inhibits the extracellular and intracellular production of melanin by B16F10 cells (induced by α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)) (7,3’,4’-THIF),  abolished the expression of…

Trouver des nouveaux agents dépigmentants: comprendre les voies de régulation pour conceptualiser des nouveaux traitements (Pour les professionnels)

The authors constructed the molecular regulatory network of melanogenesis by focusing on 2 pathways: paracrine factor-mediated signaling pathway Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor-related pathway By reviewing the literature, the authors established a “Boolean network model” that describes the dynamical characteristics of the network: Molecules which would decrease pigmentation: CREB, MITF protein, MITF active, GSK3B, CAMP, AC, PKA,…

Les lentigos solaires (taches de soleil, taches de vieillesse) et la consommation de graisses (Pour les professionnels)

Solar lentigo (sunspots, liver spots) are early seborrheic keratosis and are found in many individuals starting 45-50 years old. They are the result of sun exposure (photodamage). The goal of this study is to investigate the link between fat intake and the severity of solra lentigo. The study was done in 279 women: The severity…