Acné chez les personnes de couleur: Informations pratiques

Acne in skin of color: Practical Facts Misconceptions: Benzoyle Peroxyde benzoyle peroxide does not bleach the skin but can cause dyschromia. it doesn’t act on tyrosinase activity but can create skin irritation ans subsequently inflammation (Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)) Minocycline minocycline causes hyperpigmentation in skin of color. But what we do not know, is if it…

Acné chez les personnes de couleur: Informations pratiques

Acne in skin of color: Practical Facts Misconceptions: Benzoyle Peroxyde benzoyle peroxide does not bleach the skin but can cause dyschromia. it doesn’t act on tyrosinase activity but can create skin irritation ans subsequently inflammation (Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)) Minocycline minocycline causes hyperpigmentation in skin of color. But what we do not know, is if it…

Acné (acné vulgaire): Comment traiter les lésions actives ET l’hyperpigmentation en utilisant qu’un seul produit ?

Answer: Vitamin A derivatives ! Tretinoin (the skin lightening is observed on dyschromia but not normal skin: it is a regulator) Tazarotene: when used once a day in the evening it reduces the extent and intensity of Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) Adapalene: reduction in the number of inflammatory lesions in african americanns. 66% of them experience…