Exposition solaire et besoins en Vitamine D (Vit D) (Pour les professionnels)

Sun Exposure and Vitamin D (VitD) Requirements (For Professionals) Is sun exposure enough to meet daily requirements ? Excessive skin exposure is detrimental but in 20 years of stigmatizing sun exposure it is now widely accepted that vitamin D deficiency leads to bone disease and internal skin cancers. Some societies such as osteoporosis societies encourage…

Conseils pour la prise en charge de la dermatite atopique (DA) (Pour les professionnels)

Advice For Managing Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (For Professionals) Infection prevention avoid rubber, toys: risk of GRAM – folliculitis Baths in saline 9g Nacl in 1lt (raise to 30-36g NaCl) in KMnO4 1/10000: not on the head (effective, increases pH very slightly (paradoxical) but reduces St Aureus) Moisturization of the skin “stay less in water” “drink…

L’utilisation des crèmes hydratantes (cornéothérapie) dans la dermatite atopique (DA) (Pour les professionnels)

Moisturising (Moisturizing) Creams In Atopic Dermatitis (AD) (For Professionals) Structure of the summary 1. Measuring their efficacy 2. Role of emollients 3. Where is the evidence ? 1.  Measuring their efficacy or the importance of scoring system for physicians SCORAD Objective SCORAD 3 items criteria (more practical and easier to do in daily practice): based…

Amélioration clinique quand la dermatite atopique (DA) chez l’enfant est traitée (localement) tôt (Pour les professionnels)

Early Topical Atopic Dermatitis (AD) Treatment In Children Improves Clinical Outcome (For Professionals) chronic AD which is lichenified is difficult to treat The 3 major problematic factors with AD are: pruritus flares skin infections (bacterial and viral) Etiology of AD genetic? environmental ? atopic march ? In the absence of a definate cause, symptom management…