Chéloides (pour les professionels)

Keloids represent an abnormal reaction to trauma with an excessive tissue response and a excessive production of collagen (increased mRNA of collagen). Effective treatment modalities are limited and include on first line cryotherapy, intralesional injections of steroids, compression therapy, and radiotherapy (in trained hands). The best treatment second line treatment remains to our mind excision…

Dépistage de la dysmorphophobie avant un traitement esthétique (pour les professionnels)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is  a psychiatric condition whch is characterized by obsessive and destructive preoccupation of minor visible defects; it affects in 93% of cases the skin and in other cases, the eyes, facial features such as the nose or excessive body weight. Cosmetic treatments are sought more frequently and invariably lead in this condition…

Coup de soleil (érythème solaire)(insolation)(pour les professionnels)

Although prevention is better than cure, there are chances that you or someone around will get sunburnt. It is more likely in the summer months, when in high altitude, when increasing outdoor activities, when on far-away holidays, and when indulging in sun-seeking behaviour (e.g. sunbathing). In acute sunburn (erythema, pain, edema, desquamation, bullae) Always keep…

Vergeture (Vergetures) (pour les professionnels)

No current therapeutical modality gives complete clearance: -the best way remains prevention. -Our impression is that the most effective available treatments will yield around 30% improvement. CREAMS -tretinoin (retin A) 0.1% has a proven effect (Topical tretinoin 0.1% for pregnancy-related abdominal striae: an open-label, multicenter, prospective study. Rangel O, Arias I, García E, Lopez-Padilla S.…

La mésothérapie: un mal pour un bien? (Pour les professionnels)

Mesotherapy was developed in 1952 by Michel Pistor. The technique was initally targeted at vascular and lymphatic diseases treatment. It consists of the injection with very fines needles of hormones, enzymes, nutrients, pharmaceutical products, homeopathic agents, detergents as well as other products in the subcutaneous fat (hypodermis) of the skin (phosphtatidylcholine injection would not be…