Implication possible du derme dans le développement du vitiligo (Pour les professionnels)

Vitiligo is characterized by the functional loss of melanocytes which induces the well delineated depigmented characteristic lesions. Anomalies have been detected in: melanocytes (mitochondria…) keratinocytes (altered oxydation status in the mitochondria, vaculolization…) dermis (high level of tenascin expression which explains defective adhesion of the melanocytes) The authors have found similar defects in fibroblast cells in…

La validamycine A pourrait inhiber la production de mélanine (Pour les professionnels)

The authors shoe that on computer models, validamycin A induces changes in the protein structure of tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is an enyyme  involved in the early phases of melanin synthesis. Hore exactly based on targetted hydroxyl group number: HIS85, HIS244, GLU256, HIS259, and ASN260 of tyrosinase interacted with validamycin A. Comment: the conceptual role of validomycin…