Diagnostic Différentiel des Hypomélanoses chez les enfants

Differential diagnosis of hypomelanoses in children (N. Van Geel (Ghent, Belgium)) Use a stepwise approach step 1 history congenital or acquired stable or progressive other medical problems family history step 2 clinical examination localisation (Woods light important especially in the localized form) number of lesions pattern (linear blaschkoid, segmental) hypomelanosis or amelanosis other problems (neurological, …

Troubles pigmentaires de la peau pendant la grossesse

Pigmentary disorders of the skin during pregnancy (S. Vaughan Jones). melasma: types centrofacial malar mandbular histology epidermal (72% of cases) dermal (13%) Mixed in 5% occurs in 50-70% of pregnant women Hyperpigmentations: Mucosa (Vulval Melanosis), Areola, Axilla Linea Nigra Pigmentary Demarcation Lines (Voigt or Futcher’s lines) Darkening of Moles: there is a higher dermal proliferation…

Troubles des annexes (poils…): Acné et modifications des cheveux

Appendage abnormalities: Acne and Hair Changes (C. Ambros Rodolph). During Pregnancy some skin conditions are more frequent: Specific Dermatosis: The 2 most frequent are: atopic eruption of pregnancy( 41%) polymorphic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy  (PURPP) Non specific dermatoses account for 40% of causes:  of these one third of each are inflammatory and infectious…

Un rappel des différentes cibles des hormones sur la peau

A review about the hormonal targets of the skin (B.Soutou). pregnancy is divided into 3 phases. fertilization to implantation (1st week) organogenesis Maturation of organs after the corpus luteum is activated it is implicated in the following: synthesis of progesterone, others: estradiol, 17 hydroxyprogesterone, relaxin placenta synthesizes Sp1m PAPP-A,  peptides and steroids the skin is…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie -A (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Gingivo-stomatite herpétique aiguë Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis Hidosadénite aiguë Acute…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – B (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Syndrome du babouin Baboon syndrome Angiomatose bacillaire Bacillary Angiomatosis…