Poster: anomalies pigmentaires le long des lignes de Blaschko secondaire au mosaïcisme (Pour les professionnels)

Poster: Pigmentary Anomalies Along Blaschko’s Lines Secondary To Mosaicism (For Professionals) In this Indian study, 10 consecutive cases of pediatric Patients with pigmentary alterations along Blaschko’s lines are investigated for the following parameters: Pigmentation anomaly: In 6 cases there was hyperpigmentation In 3 patients, there was only hyporpigmentation In 1 case both hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.…

Poster: Cryothérapie versus solution de 10% de KOH dans le traitement du Molluscum Contagiosum (Pour les professionnels)

Poster: Cryotherapy compared with a solution of KOH 10% in the treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum (For Professionals) BACKGROUND Molluscum contagiosum(MC) is a common viral skin lesion in children and spontaneous resolution takes between 6 to 18 months. Treatments are often requested for cosmetic reasons as well as cumbersome locations (eyes). The authors sought to compare…