La gonorrhée (“Chaude-pisse”) (Blénnoragie)

Gonorrhoea Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What is gonorrhoea? It is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. How is gonorrhoea transmitted? Sexual intercourse with an infected individual (vaginal, anal, oral). Mother to child transmission (when delivering through the birth canal. A casual social contact or “accidental contaminations” while sitting on the…

Infection par le virus du VIH (séropositivité) et SIDA

HIV infection (“HIV positive”) and AIDS Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What is AIDS? AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the final stage of the infection of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). How can I be infected with HIV? Non protected sexual intercourse with an infected individual Sharing of syringes and…

Tokelau (Dermatophytose imbriquée): Causes (étiologie)


  • The condition is caused by a strictly anthropophilic dermatophyte called tinea concentricum.
  • Transmission is incompletely understood. Close contact is important but not enough and genetic (mode of inheritance mainly autosomal recessive (“pure race”) with a few autosomal dominant cases), environmental (poor hygiene, iron deficiency, malnutrition) and immunological factors play an important role.


Facteurs de risque de la rosacée

Schnitzler’s syndrome with prominent neutrophil infiltration misdiagnosed as Sweet’s syndrome: a typical example of urticarial neutrophilic dermatosis. Asahina A, Sakurai N, Suzuki Y, Narushima K Clin Exp Dermatol 2009 Nov 19 The authors present possible pathophysiological links and discuss new therapeutic options like tocilizumab. Schnitzler’s syndrome is a rare disorder of unknown aetiology characterized by…