Translator Of Medical Terms In Dermatology – WXYZ (For Professionals)
Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland
The first column contains the term in French.
The second column contains the translated equivalent in English.
The third column contains the name of individuals associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…).
Verrue | Wart | Rayer |
Dyskératome verruqueux | Warty dyskeratoma | |
Dermographisme blanc | White dermographism | |
Mèche blanche | White forelock | |
Leucoplasie orale chevelue | White hairy tongue | |
Piedra blanche | White piedra | |
Hamartome blanc spongieux | White sponge nevus | |
White sponge nevus | White sponge nevus (Cannon’s disease) | Cannon |
Cheveux laineux | Woolly hair | |
Ride | Wrinkle | |
Ichtyose recessive liée au sexe | X-limked recessive ichtyosis | |
Xanthélasme | Xanthelasma | |
Xanthome | Xanthoma | |
Xanthome disseminatum (de Montgomery) | Xanthoma disseminatum (of Montgomery) | Montgomery |
Xeroderma pigmentosum | Xeroderma pigmentosum | |
Xérose (peau sèche) | Xerosis (dry skin) | |
Xérostomie (bouche sèche) | Xerostomia (dry mouth) | |
Pian | Yaws | |
Levure | Yeast | |
Syndrome xanthonychique (syndrome des ongles jaunes) | Yellow nail syndrome | |
Balanite de Zoon | Zoon’s Balanitis | Zoon |
Balanite de Zoon (balanite plasmocellulaire) | Zoon’s balanitis (balanitis plasmacellularis) | |
Vulvite de Zoon (vulvite plasmocellulaire) | Zoon’s vulvitis (vulvitis plasmacellularis) | Zoon |