Translator Of Medical Terms In Dermatology – F (For Professionals)
Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland
The first column contains the term in French.
The second column contains the translated equivalent in English.
The third column contains the name of individuals associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…).
Dermite granulomateuse peri-orale juvénile (FACE) | FACE=facial Afro-caribbean cutaneous eruption | |
Favus | Favus | Schoenlein |
Tumeur fibroépithéliale de Pinkus | Fibroepithelial tumor of Pinkus | Pinkus |
Fibrofolliculome | Fibrofolliculoma | |
Fibromatose | Fibromatosis | |
Papule fibreuse du nez | Fibrous papule of the nose | |
Dermatose figurée | Figurate dermatosis | |
Hyperkératose palmaire filiforme | Filiform palmar hyperkeratosis | |
Erythème pigmenté fixe | Fixed drug eruption | Brocq |
Figure en flammèche | Flame figure | |
Puce | Flea | |
Papillomatose cutanée floride | Florid cutaneous papillomatosis | |
Atrophie folliculaire | Follicular atrophy | |
Syndrome de dégénerescence folliculaire | Follicular degeneration syndrome | |
Folliculite | Folliculitis | |
Folliculite décalvante de Quinquaud | Folliculitis decalvans (Scalp folliculitis) | Quinquaud |
Grain de Fordyce | Fordyce spot | |
Corps étranger | Foreign body | |
Ephélides (taches de rousseur) | Freckles | |
Tache de rousseur (ephelides) | Freckles (ephelides) | |
Alopécie frontal fibrosante | Frontal fibrosing alopecia | Kossard |
Gelure | Frostbite | |
Furoncle | Furuncle |