Translator Of Medical Terms In Dermatology – A (For Professionals)
Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland
The first column contains the term in French.
The second column contains the translated equivalent in English.
The third column contains the name of individuals associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…).
Gingivo-stomatite herpétique aiguë | Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis | |
Hidosadénite aiguë | Acute hidrosadenitis | |
Porphyrie aiguë intermittente | Acute porphyria | |
Urticaire aiguë | Acute urticaria | |
Adénome sébacé | Adenoma sebaceum | Pringle |
Carcinome annexiel | Adnexal carcinoma | |
Vieilissement | Aging | |
Alcaptonurie | Alcaptonuria | |
Alopécie | Alopecia | |
Pelade | Alopecia Areata | Rayer |
Alopécie mucineuse | Alopecia mucinosa | PInkus |
Moignon d’amputation | Amputation stump | |
Carcinome anaplasique | Anaplassic carcinoma | |
Alopécie androgénétique | Androgenetic alopecia | |
Anétodermie | Anetoderma | Jadassohn |
Angiofibrome | Angiofibroma | |
Angiokératome | Angiokeratoma | |
Angiokératome corporel diffus (Maladie de Fabry-Anderson) | Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (Fabry-Anderson disease) | Fabry, Anderson |
Angiolupoïde de Brocq-Pautrier (Sarcoïdose) | Angiolupoid Sarcoidosis | Brocq, Pautrier |
Hyperplasie angiolymphoïde avec éosinophilie (HALE) | Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophlia | |
Angiome | Angioma | |
Angiome sénile (tache rubis) | Angioma Senilis (Campbell-de-Morgan spot) | |
Angiome serpigineux de Hutchinson | Angioma serpiginosum of Hutchinson | Hutchinson |
Angiosarcome | Angiosarcoma | |
Anhidrose | Anhidrosis | |
Erythème annulaire | Annular erythema | |
Charbon | Anthrax | |
Syndrome des anticorps anti-phospholipides | Antiphospholipid syndrome | |
Herpangine | Aphtous phayngitis | |
Aphte | Aphtous ulcer | |
Aplasie Cutanée | Aplasia Cutis | |
Chromidrose apocrine | Apocrine chromhidrosis | |
Cystadénome apocrine | Apocrine hidrocystoma | |
Hidrocystome apocrine (cystadénome apocrine) | Apocrine hidrocystoma | |
Carcinome sudoral apocrine | Apocrine sweat gland carcinoma | |
Eczéma nummulaire des mains | Apron dermatitis | |
Urticaire aquagénique | Aquagenic urticaria | |
Hamartome des aréoles | Areolar hamartoma | |
Hyperkératose de l’aréole | Areolar Hyperkeratosis | |
Kératoses à l’arsenic | Arsenical keratosis | Hutchinson |
Hypopigmentation en feuille de sorbier | Ash-leaf macule | Fitzpatrick |
Dermatose cendrée (Erythema dyschromicum perstans) | Ashy dermatosis (Erythema dyschromicum perstans) | Sulzberger |
Aspergillose | Aspergillosis | |
Eczéma craquelé | Asteatotic eczema (Eczema craquele) | |
Ataxie-telangiectasie | Ataxia-telangiectatica | |
Atopie | Atopia | |
Dermatite atopique | Atopic dermatitis | Besnier |
Atrophie blanche | Atrophie blanche | |
Fibroxanthome atypique | Atypical fibroxanthoma |