Section : Notes de congrès/conférences

The Role of Oral Royal Jelly in Skin Moisture

  • Royal-jelly is a yellowish material secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker honeybees.
  • It has been shown to have a protective effect on dry skin (epidermal hydration)
  • In this study, dietary (oral) supplementation was given:
    • Total of 47 subjects (mean age: 41.3 years old +/- 6.2)
    • capsules of 520mg taken once a day for 10 weeks
    • 3 groups consisting of:
      • freeze-dried (lyophilized) recipients (17 subjects)
      • tablets « removed of allergy proteins » (with proteolytic enzymes) (16 subjects)
      • controls (15 subjects) (capsules only containing maltodextrin)
    • Results:
      • significantly improved results in the 2 groups when compared with the control group for epidermal hydration.
      • The epidermal lipid ceramide (Cer) was higher in the allergy-free Royal Jelly treated group.
      • However no differences were found in the other epidermal barrier lipids such as free fatty acid and cholesterol

Conclusion+ improved epidermal hydration and ceramides in allergy-free oral supplementation of royal jelly tablets. It could act by an incresse in levels of total amino acids. (Grant by « Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program)


Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland

Source of information: Cho Y. Dietary royal jelly improves epidermal hydration with increased levels of ceramides in the epidermis of mid-aged healthy human subjects JSID Annual Meeting (Japanese Society of Investigative Dermatology, 日本研究皮膚科学会) 2014 – Osaka, Japan