Asie – Pays d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following countries/territories: Afghanistan Armenia Bahrain Bangladesh Cambodia China Cyprus Georgia Hong Kong Indonesia India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Kuwait Laos Lebanon Macau Malaysia Myanmar(Birmanie) Nepal Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates  (UAE)…

La Dermatologie c’est quoi ?

What is Dermatology ? Dermatology is a specialty of medicine dealing with the skin. It is a very broad science as the diagnosis and management concerns the biggest organ of the body ! Simply said, dermatology: regarding its diagnosis is: medical (acne, eczema, fungal infections of the skin, psoriasis…internal diseases with skin presentations) aesthetic (esthetic)(wrinkles,…