Acide ascorbique (Vitamine C) (L-ascorbic acid)

L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) Is an antioxidant Is used in the treatment of disorders of pigmentation including melasma (chloasma) (pregnancy mask) Alters the color of melanin from jet black to light tan Unstable as quickly oxidized Bibliography: Katsambas A (Conflicts of Interest: Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, Leo Pharma, Merck, Schering-Plough). Melasma: Pathogenesis and Treatment. 70e Réunion annuelle…

Acide ascorbique (Vitamine C) (L-ascorbic acid)

L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) Is an antioxidant Is used in the treatment of disorders of pigmentation including melasma (chloasma) (pregnancy mask) Alters the color of melanin from jet black to light tan Unstable as quickly oxidized Bibliography: Katsambas A (Conflicts of Interest: Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, Leo Pharma, Merck, Schering-Plough). Melasma: Pathogenesis and Treatment. 70e Réunion annuelle…