Palmoplantar Psoriasis Treatment with Ustekinumab

Introduction: Palmoplantar psoriasis presents as sterile pustules with hyperkeratosis, erythema, scaling and fissuring on the palms and soles Treatment is challenging. topicals don’t really work and acitretin is not always effective. Methodology: prospective study 9 patients, mean age 48 years old ustekinumab administered subcutaneously at weeks 0,4 and then every 12 weeks evaluation with PPPASI…

Adalimumab vs Etanercept in Quality of Life Improvement

Adalimumab showed a slightly higher reduction in PASI after 1 year, however it proved an equivalent efficacy to Etanercept after an extensive follow-up (up to 5 years) Contrarily to etanercept, adalimumab patients showed a progressive improvement with DLQI (84 to 77) For both groups, sustained response (PASI75 maintenance of results 60 months after initiation of…

Treatment of Childhood Acne

Incidence of Acne in the first 20 years of life: -3% of affected individuals are neonates -6% in childhood (pre-adolescents) -91% in teenagers (adolescents…predictably)   Thorough examination must be done in children to rule out differential diagnosis: -keratosis pilaris -miliara -perorificial dermatatis -pomade acne (cosmetic use) -flat warts -molluscum contagiosum   Scarring is a complication…