Acné – 1959

Dermabrasion for the improvement of acne scars. RATTNER H, LAZAR P. J Am Med Assoc. 1959 Dec 26;171:2326-31. Drugs in the treatment of acne vulgaris. MITCHELL-HEGGS GB. Br Med J. 1959 Dec 12;2(5162):1320-2. Triacetyloleandomycin (TAO)-its value in acne and certain pyogenic skin eruptions. J. LOVEMAN AB, HAMMOND K. J Ky Med Assoc. 1959 Dec;57:1507-10. Effect…

Acné – 1958

Some concepts of the modern treatment of the acne reaction. GOLDMAN L. GP. 1958 Dec;18(6):98-102. [Treatment of acne vulgaris in practice with special consideration of cosmetic viewpoints]. LONNECKER S. Z Haut Geschlechtskr. 1958 Nov 15;25(10):291-5. Hormonal influences on sebaceous gland activity and on acne vulgaris. KALZ F. Can Med Assoc J. 1958 Nov 15;79(10):852-5. [Local…

Acné – 1957

A new approach to the control of acne vulgaris. WARSHAW TG. N Y State J Med. 1957 Dec 15;57(24):3999-4000. [Attempted treatment of chloric acne with calcium edathamil]. DUGOIS P, COLOMB L, FAYOLLE G. Lyon Med. 1957 Dec 1;89(48):604-6. French. [The problem of differentiation of Kaposi’s acne urticata, Brocq’s acne excoriée des jeunes filles & neurotic…

Acné – 1956

[Treatment of acne and eczema; report on personal experiments]. EBNER N. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1956 Dec 21;68(51):995-6. German. Some comments on acne vulgaris in adolescents. GALLAGHER JR, HEALD FP Jr, HILL WR, MASLAND RP Jr. J Pediatr. 1956 Dec;49(6):680-4. The care and treatment of acne vulgaris. HANNAY WF. Proc R Soc Med. 1956 Nov;49(11):917-8. The…

Acné – 1955

Treatment of acne scars by dermabrasion; rotary brush method. RATTNER R, REIN CR. J Am Med Assoc. 1955 Nov 26;159(13):1299-301. Acne vulgaris. MALKINSON MD. J Am Med Assoc. 1955 Nov 12;159(11):1117-9. [Treatment of pustularacne by combination of tetracycline, vitamin B complex and pepsin]. JUSTER E. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1955 Nov-Dec;(5):543-4. French. [Treatment of…

Acné – 1954

Recent techniques and developments of the corrective planing method for scars. LUBOWE II. Med Times. 1954 Dec;82(12):910-6. Dermabrasion of the acne pit. BLAU S, REIN CR. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1954 Dec;70(6):754-66. [Hormone therapy of juvenile acne]. GERMANI C. Minerva Dermatol. 1954 Nov;29(11):390-2. Italian. The treatment of acne vulgaris. WADDINGTON E. Practitioner. 1954 Nov;173(1037):620-2. A…

Acné – 1953

[Implantation of high dose of follicular hormone in young man in acne conglobata]. STAVA Z, RABOCH J, KANDRAC M. Cesk Dermatol. 1953 Nov;28(8-9):358-65. Undetermined Language. Acne vulgaris and its treatment. MESSINA SJ. Med Times. 1953 Nov;81(11):770-3. Formation of milia following abrasive treatment for postacne scarring. MONASH S, RIVERA RM. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1953 Nov;68(5):589.…

Acné – 1952

[Acne vulgaris and diabetes]. MUNUZURI. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 1952 Dec;44(3):228-30. Undetermined Language. The treatment of post-acne scars with phenol. MACKEE GM, KARP FL. Br J Dermatol. 1952 Dec;64(12):456-9. Alopecia areata, acne, and milia; report of a unique case illustrating the importance of hair as a natural drain. RINGROSE EJ, EKBLAD GH. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1952…

Acné – 1951

Roentgen therapy in acne. CRAWFORD GM, LUIKART RH Jr, TILLEY RF. N Engl J Med. 1951 Nov 8;245(19):726-8. Seborrhoeic dermatitis and acne vulgaris. MITCHELL-HEGGS GB. Br Med J. 1951 Nov 3;2(4739):1079-82. [Attempt of experimental production of oil acne]. PELLERAT J, VEDRINE, MURAT M. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1951 Nov-Dec;58(5):584-5. Undetermined Language. [Implantation of gonadotropins;…