Chéloides (pour les professionels)

Keloids represent an abnormal reaction to trauma with an excessive tissue response and a excessive production of collagen (increased mRNA of collagen). Effective treatment modalities are limited and include on first line cryotherapy, intralesional injections of steroids, compression therapy, and radiotherapy (in trained hands). The best treatment second line treatment remains to our mind excision…

Application de crèmes contre les boutons d’acné

If your doctor has prescribed a topical acne preparation for you. It is probably one of the following (list not complete): Antibiotics Lotion Erythromycin Clindamycin or Peeling Agents Benzoyl Peroxide gel Resorcinol/Sulphur cream What are topical acne/pimple preparations used for? These are applied to the skin to treat acne(pimple). They work by exerting antibacterial action…