Le cholestérol et la peau (hypercholestérolémie) – Introduction (pour les professionnels)

Hypercholesterolemia is the presence of high amounts of cholesterol in the blood; in the USA alone, 70 million individuals are affected. It is a risk factor for heart conditions such as myocardial infection. Causes are genetic, dietary, endocrinological (hypothyroidism, diabetes)… There are different types of circulating derivatives of cholesterol: HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) also known…

Le cholestérol et la peau (hypercholestérolémie) – Maladies de peau avec une une élévation du cholestérol (pour les professionnels)

Skin conditions associated with elevated cholesterol: androgenic alopecia (androgenetic alopecia)(Male pattern hair loss) “blue toe” syndrome (due to cholesterol emboli) cutaneous reactive angiomatosis (due to cholesterol emboli) (Kaposi-like) gangrene (due to cholesterol emboli) livedo reticularis (due to cholesterol emboli) (livedo racemosa) psoriasis skin necrosis (due to cholesterol emboli) skin tags (along with the other cardiovascular…

Le cholestérol et la peau (hypercholestérolémie) – Médicaments induisant une élévation du cholestérol (pour les professionnels)

Drugs used by dermatologists which which can elevate cholesterol levels: Vitamin A derivatives: Acitretin (and previously etretinate) Alitretinoin Isotretinoin Bibliography Alitretinoin for the treatment of severe chronic hand eczema. Paulden M, Rodgers M, Griffin S, Slack R, Duffy S, Ingram JR, Woolacott N, Sculpher M. Health Technol Assess. 2010 May;14 Suppl 1:39-46. Lipid and teratogenic…

Le cholestérol et la peau (hypercholestérolémie) – Maladies de peau découlant de l’usage des statines (traitement) (pour les professionnels)

Skin conditions associated with statin (cholesterol lowering drug) (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) use: chronic urticaria contact dermatitis dermatomyositis erythema multiforme ichtyosis (not specified) lichen planus-like reactions, lichen planus pemphigoides lichenoid drug eruption linear Iga bullous dermatosis polymyositis subacute lupus erythematosus systemic lupus erythematosus Bibliography Chronic urticaria to atorvastatin. Anliker MD, Wüthrich B. Allergy. 2002 Apr;57(4):366. Erythema…

Le cholestérol et la peau (hypercholestérolémie) – Les statines: un nouveau traitement pour la dermatologie ? (pour les professionnels)

Statins (hypolipaemic or cholesterol lowering drug) (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) as a new dermatologic drug ? Potential applications include: alopecia areata* allergic contact dermatitis antifungal atopic dermatitis chronic idiopathic urticaria cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (stimulation of lymphoma cell apoptosis through Fas-L expression) (CTCL) cutaneous melanoma (cutaneous apoptosis has been demonstrated in vitro) dermatographism graft-versus-host disease mastocytosis (urticaria…