Liens entre les cancers de la peau et les Transplantations d’organes (Pour les professionnels)

Skin Cancer and Organ Transplants:  Is There A Connection? (For Professionals) Everyone has probably heard something about skin cancer and organ transplantation, but do these two separate entities have a connection with each other? To find out whether indeed, one has a possibility of getting skin cancer when one has undergone organ transplantation, let us…

Les lésions cutanées dans la maladie de Crohn (pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. It is clinically characterized by abdominal pain, bloody stools…Histologically, structures called granulomas are found in the inflammatory affected areas. We are interested in the skin problems which can be associated with this condition because we have observed therapeutical…