Sarcoma, Sarcoidosis: the Story behind the Name

The prefix comes from Greek: σαρξ = sarx = flesh The word “sarcoma” served initially to give a name to tumors which developed from the “conjunctive tissue” Later, the Hungarian-Born Austrian dermatologist Dr Moriz Kaposi (1837-1902) transformed the word sarcoma into sarcoidosis to designate still badly-defined cutaneous diseases. (Unrelated, his name was heard again in…

Pellagra: how did it come to stand from clinical changes to vitamin deficiency ?

The words of origin are: pellis (Latin) = skin aegre (Latin) = sick, diseased …or… aγρa (Greek) = affection, condition This condition can be summarized by the 4 d’s: dermatitis diarrhea dementia death The skin is characterized by the following: photosensitivity of exposed areas erythema accompanied sometimes by skin sloughing, followed by pigmentation and lichenification…