Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – OP (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Syndrome des cornes occippitales Occipital horn syndrome Ochronose Ochronosis…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – R (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Erythroplasie de Queyrat (Maladie de Bowen du gland) Queyrat…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – S (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Phlébotome Sand fly Sarcoïdose Sarcoidosis Boeck Sarcome Sarcoma Doigts…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – T (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Tabès dorsal Tabes dorsalis Pseudochromidrose Talon noir Cocarde Target…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – U (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Ulcération Ulceration Ulérythème ophryogenes (kératose pilaire atrophiante) Ulerythema ophryogenes…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – V (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Eczéma variqueux Varicose eczema Varice Varicosity Vasculite Vasculitis Lac…

Traducteur de termes médicaux en dermatologie – WXZ (Pour les professionnels)

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland The first column contains the term in French. The second column contains the translated equivalent in English. The third column contains the name of individuals  associated with the term (either they described the term, or the term is eponymous…). Verrue Wart Rayer Dyskératome verruqueux Warty dyskeratoma Dermographisme blanc…