Acné – 1980

Acne Vulgaris – 1980 Synthetic retinoids for acne. MacKie RM, Dick DC. Lancet. 1980 Dec 13;2(8207):1300-1. New topical antibiotics for acne. [No authors listed] Med Lett Drugs Ther. 1980 Dec 12;22(25):107-8. Multiple factors in the elicitation of skin diseases — and how this concept must influence our approaches to etiology and management. Sulzberger MB. J…

Laser ND-YAG à impulsion de durée allongée pour le traitement des télangiectasies

Clinical experience in the treatment of different vascular lesions using a neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser. Civas E, Koc E, Aksoy B, Aksoy HM. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Dec;35(12):1933-41. This article is interesting because it highlights the efficacy of the treatment of telangiectasia and spider angiomas. Long pulsed NDYAG has mainly been shown to be effective…