Drossapharm ®

Aknilox ® (topical erythromycin): used in the treatment of acne Gorgonium ® (heparin, allantoin, dexpanthenol): used in the prevention and treatment of scars Lur ® Shampoo (ketoconazole 2%): used in the treatment of seborrheic (seborroeic) dermatitis Perilox ®/Perilox Color ® (metronidazole): used in the treatment of perioral dermatitis Rosalox ® (metronidazole): used in the treatment…

Meda Pharma ®

Acetocaustine ® (Monochloracetic acid): used in the treatment of viral warts Aldara ® 5% (Imiquimod) : used in the treatment of actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinomas and condyloma acuminata (genital warts) Dermatix ® Gel (Silicone gel): used in the prevention and treatment of scars Efudix ® (fluorouracile): used in the treatment of actinic keratosis,…

Acné – 1979

Acne Vulgaris – 1979 The effect of acidic polysaccharides and prostaglandin-like substances isolated from Propionibacterium acnes on granulocyte chemotaxis. Belsheim J, Dalen A, Gnarpe H, Hellgren L, Iversen OJ, Vincent J. Experientia. 1979 Dec 15;35(12):1587-9. Lamellar inclusions in follicular horny cells: a new aspect of abnormal keratinization. Lavker RM, Leyden JJ. J Ultrastruct Res. 1979…

Acné – 1978

Acne Vulgaris – 1978 [Postcontraceptive acne]. Amann W. ZFA (Stuttgart). 1978 Dec 20;54(35-36):1809-12. German. [Sociological studies in acne vulgaris. 2. Effect of the disease on the evaluation of clinical picture and motivation for therapy]. Gloor M, Eicher C, Wiebelt H, Moser G. Z Hautkr. 1978 Dec 15;53(24):905-13. Chloracne–an up to date assessment. Crow KD. Ann…

Acné – 1977

Acne Vulgaris – 1977 [Treatment of juvenile acne]. Daniel F. Rev Prat. 1977 Dec 21;27(59):4133-5, 4137-43. French. Effect of oral contraceptives on sebum excretion rate. Pye RJ, Meyrick G, Pye MJ, Burton JL. Br Med J. 1977 Dec 17;2(6102):1581-2. [Vitamin B 12 acne as hypervitaminosis]. Ippen H. Med Klin. 1977 Dec 16;72(50):2178. German. [Aetiology and…

Acné – 1976

Acne Vulgaris – 1976 Acne infantum in an Indian child: Case report and review of the literature. Dogliotti M. S Afr Med J. 1976 Dec 11;50(53):2106-7. [Effects of androgens on the skin. Therpeutic implications]. Bercovici JP, Grulier A. Nouv Presse Med. 1976 Dec 11;5(42):2873-6. French. Complement in inflammatory acne vulgaris. Dahl MG, McGibbon DH. Br…

Acné – 1975

Acne Vulgaris – 1975 Comedo formation in acne. Eberhardt H. Arch Dermatol Res. 1975 Dec 31;254(3):257-62. [Acne vulgaris and Agnus castus (Agnolyt)]. Amann W. Z Allgemeinmed. 1975 Dec 20;51(35):1645-8. German. Editorial: Systemic antibiotics and acne. Chalker DK, Smith JS Jr. JAMA. 1975 Dec 8;234(10):1058. Acne vulgaris in South Australia: III. Biochemical values in selected female…

Acné – 1974

Acne Vulgaris – 1974 [An immunobiological treatment for acne vulgaris (author’s transl)]. Stickl H, Hüllstrung HW, Gillesberger W. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1974 Dec 6;116(49):2141-6. German. Chocolate and acne. Mackie BS, Mackie LE. Australas J Dermatol. 1974 Dec;15(3):103-9. Editorial: McDonald’s acne. Litt JZ. Arch Dermatol. 1974 Dec;110(6):956. Residual effects of short-term, low-level exposure of nonhuman…