Vergeture (Vergetures) (pour les professionnels)

No current therapeutical modality gives complete clearance: -the best way remains prevention. -Our impression is that the most effective available treatments will yield around 30% improvement. CREAMS -tretinoin (retin A) 0.1% has a proven effect (Topical tretinoin 0.1% for pregnancy-related abdominal striae: an open-label, multicenter, prospective study. Rangel O, Arias I, García E, Lopez-Padilla S.…

Tokelau (Dermatophytose imbriquée): distribution géographique (Pour les professionnels)

Geographical Distribution Tokelau refers to 3 atolls lying midway between Hawaii (Hawai) and New Zealand around 300Km to the North of Samoa. The population is around 1500 for a 12 sq. Km. surface. The isolation combined with the high humidity and density might explain in part the propensity of having this fungal infection. The condition…