La pelade

Alopecia Areata What is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is a common skin disorder seen in children and young adults. It is characterized by hair loss in localized round areas on the scalp, the beard area and occasionally on the eyebrows . A positive family history for alopecia areata is found in 10% to 20% of…

Problèmes de peau provoqués par les produits cosmétiques

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Irritant Contact Dermatitis This is the commonest skin disorder that can arise from the use of cosmetics. The most frequent presenting complaint is facial itch and rash. A. Types of cosmetics causing irritant contact dermatitis include: Cleansers: Facial cleansers which often contain surfactants that are necessary to facilitate…

Infections du cuir chevelu

Infections on the Scalp Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Fungal Infection (Ringworm, Tinea Capitis) Ringworm infection of the scalp is caused by a fungal infection. Ringworm infection of the scalp is more common in children than in adults. Fungal infection of the scalp presents in a variety of ways, depending on its severity…

Maladies inflammatoires de peau sur le cuir chevelu

Inflammatory Skin Diseases of the Scalp Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (Dandruff) The cause of seborrhoeic dermatitis is unknown. There are two types of seborrhoeic dermatitis: (i) infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis  – commonly seen in newborns and babies (ii) adult seborrhoeic dermatitis – commonly seen in middle-aged adults. Seborrhoeic dermatitis presents with…

Le Pityriasis Rosé de Gibert : une cause virale ?

Perioral abscess associated with isotretinoin. Beer K, Oakley H, Waibel J. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Nov;8(11):1034-6. “Watch out for patients developing infectious abscesses when on systemic isotretinoin treatment”. Patients on isotretinoin therapy have impaired skin and mucosal barrier function, thus rendering them more susceptible to infections. This case report highlights the need to suspect the…