Médicaments antifongiques (contre les champignons(et les levures)) à prendre par la bouche

Oral antifungals Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Your doctor has just prescribed an oral antifungal medication for you. What are antifungals used for? Antifungals are used to treat infections caused by fungus. These organisms can infect the skin, scalp, finger nails, toe nails, vagina and the intestinal tract. When the infection affects the…

Application de crèmes contre les boutons d’acné

If your doctor has prescribed a topical acne preparation for you. It is probably one of the following (list not complete): Antibiotics Lotion Erythromycin Clindamycin or Peeling Agents Benzoyl Peroxide gel Resorcinol/Sulphur cream What are topical acne/pimple preparations used for? These are applied to the skin to treat acne(pimple). They work by exerting antibacterial action…

Traitements par la toxine botulique (Botox©)

What is Botulinum Toxin ? How does it treat wrinkles ? It is a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinium. When injected in big quantities, the toxin induces muscular paralysis. In smaller quantities in a targeted muscle, the paralysis remains localized. Therefore, if it is injected in the muscles which produce frowning wrinkles and…

Peelings chimiques (traitements exfoliants)

What is a chemical peel ? Also called exfoliation treatment, it is a technique of skin regeneration, thus having an “anti-aging” effect. An evaluation before treatment as well as the treatment itself must be done by a physician experienced in dermatology. Different chemical substances can be used. By this technique, skin is exfoliated followed by…


Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Viral Wart (verrucae vulgaris or common wart) What causes warts ? Warts are harmless skin growths caused by a virus. They can grow on any part of the body, like on the face, along the forearms or on the finger. Warts have a rough surface on which tiny,…


Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What is Urticaria (Hives) ? Urticaria or hives as it is commonly called, is an itchy rash consisting of localized swellings of the skin that usually last for a few hours before fading away. When urticaria develops around loose tissues of the eyes or lips, the affected area…