Adenoma Sebaceum in Tuberous Sclerosis: A misnomer !

Adenoma Sebaceum refers to lesions on the face described in 1890 by the British dermatologist Dr John James Pringle (1855-1922). Adenoma Sebaceum is a misnomer, the lesions are actually angiofibromas – which is closer to Koenen’s tumors which are peringual fibromas. The facial lesions are neither adenomas, nor sebaceous in origin. Multiple “real” sebacous adenomas…

Réactions cutanées liées à la prise de médicaments (toxidermie) (Pour les professionnels)

Drug Eruptions in the Skin (toxiderma) (For Professionals) Our skin reflects our health. Do you know that our skin also reacts to the drugs that we use? A drug reaction may mimic any type of skin disease and may present with rashes, swelling, redness, itching and pain. They can be bullous, pustular, urticarial or papulosquamous.…

Topical steroids in dermatology: the story behind it

The use of steroids in dermatology was initiated by two American New-York based dermatologists: Marion Sulzberger and Victor Witten. Topical steroids: early topical preparations containing cortisone acetate were surprisingly ineffective HYDROcortisone acetate was made available (“Compound F” by Merck): It was combined 25mg/g with an ointment base…and became moderately effective initially for Atopic Dermatitis. Results…

Warts and Molluscum Contagiosum: How they were shown NOT to be bacterial in origin

In the early 20th century (1919)  two American dermatologists* sought to determine the origin of warts and molluscum contagiosum: To do this they curetted tissue from the 2 lesions and added saline.  after “mincing them”, they passed it through a filter to remove all bacteria (Berkefeld filter) They then auto-inoculated themselves and volunteers with the…