Mélasma (chloasma, masque de grossesse): la progestérone est-elle coupable ? (Pour les professionnels)

Chloasma–the mask of pregnancy. Bolanca I, Bolanca Z, Kuna K, Vuković A, Tuckar N, Herman R, Grubisić G. Coll Antropol. 2008 Oct;32 Suppl 2:139-41. Review. Melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) can affect 50 to 70% of pregnant women and presents as symmetric hyperpigmented macules which can be located on cheeks, upper lip, chin, forehead The cause…

Prévenir et traiter le mélasma (chloasma, masque de grossesse): bases de la protection contre le soleil, conseils pratiques et traitements “rapides et efficaces”

Melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask) is notoriously difficult to treat and relapses are the norm in those responding to treatment Sunprotection must be against visible light and not only UV light. We cannot stress the importance of using sunprotection by: adopting sun avoiding behaviour avoid going in the sun between 10 am and 4pm (11am and…

Prévenir la récidive du mélasma (chloasma, masque de grossesse) : y’a t-il de l’espoir ? (Pour les professionnels)

Preventing melasma recurrence: prescribing a maintenance regimen with an effective triple combination cream based on long-standing clinical severity. Arellano I, Cestari T, Ocampo-Candiani J, Azulay-Abulafia L, Bezerra Trindade Neto P, Hexsel D, Machado-Pinto J, Muñoz H, Rivitti-Machado MC, Sittart JA, Trindade de Almeida AR, Rego V, Paliargues F, Marques-Hassun K. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.…