Manifestations cutanées de l’anémie ferriprive (déficit en fer) (Pour les professionnels)

Iron Deficiency Anemia (Anaemia) And The Skin (For Professionals) Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Anemia is one of the most common health problems in the world today. This condition, where the blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells, is due to a variety of causes, among which is the…

Problemi della pelle nei bambini piccoli (Italiano)

Dr. Christophe HSU – dermatologo. Ginevra, Svizzera Dermatite atopica 1. La dermatite atopica: che cos’è? La dermatite atopica (o eczema atopico) è un’infiammazione secca e pruriginosa (che provoca prurito) della pelle. Si tratta dell’affezione cutanea più frequente nei bambini. Non è una malattia infettiva. I bambini affetti da questa condizione presentano una pelle sensibile e…

Traitement du molluscum contagiosum chez les enfants

Topical photodynamic therapy is immunosuppressive in humans. Matthews YJ, Damian DL Br J Dermatol 2009 Oct 26 In this Australian study, investigation of immunosuppression after photodynamic therapy was done with the Mantoux test (delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to tuberculin purified protein derivative) Introduction: Visible light irradiation following application of a photosensitizer (topical photodynamic therapy; PDT) is…