Acné – 1973

Acne Vulgaris – 1973 Acne vulgaris. Cunliffe WJ. Br Med J. 1973 Dec 15;4(5893):667-9. [Experience with long term oxytetracycline treatment of acne and rosacea]. Pinzer B, Hübner U. Dermatol Monatsschr. 1973 Dec;159(12):1095-9. German. [Amount and composition of skin surface lipids in patients with acne vulgaris and healthy control persons. Gas chromatographic analyses of free fatty…

Acné – 1972

Acne Vulgaris – 1972 [Thiazolidine carboxylic acid (TCA) in dermatology]. Thiers H, Fayolle J. Lyon Med. 1972 Dec 10;228(19):747-9. French. Effect of zinc on skin and hair. Dumertzis PN. Lancet. 1972 Dec 9;2(7789):1261-2. An open evaluation of retinoic acid in acne. Bartlett BH. Australas J Dermatol. 1972 Dec;13(3):132-9. Tetracyclines in the treatment of acne. Jones…

Pigmentation par la mélanine et couleur de la peau

In humans, melanin pigments are responsible for the visible color of the skin, hair and eyes. Although the blood within the dermis and exogenous pigments as carotenoids may play a role in producing different skin hues, variations in skin pigmentation between different ethnic groups (namely Negroid, Asian and Caucasians) is primarily determined by the amount…

Cysteamine Crème Dépigmentante (SWISS MADE)

Cysteamine Cream is the only depigmenting cream which contains Cysteamine Hydrochloride as an active ingredient. This dermatologist-developed cream can be used: to unify the color (colour) of the skin when irregularities of pigmentation are present. to prevent new dark spots from appearing. Presentation The Scientific Evidence of its Efficacy Before Cysteamine. After 3 weeks. User Guide…

Acné – 1971

Acne Vulgaris – 1971 [Complications in a case of acne conglobata]. Ström S. Lakartidningen. 1971 Dec 15;68(51):5976-80. Swedish. Acne vulgaris and psychologic impact on high school students. Schachter RJ, Pantel ES, Glassman GM, Zweibelson I. N Y State J Med. 1971 Dec 15;71(24):2886-90. Acneiform eruption from tetracycline. Bean SF. Br J Dermatol. 1971 Dec;85(6):585-6. Intralesional…

Acné – 1970

Acne Vulgaris – 1970 [Acne in soldiers]. Heinke E. Munch Med Wochenschr. 1970 Dec 25;112(52):Suppl 52:3. German. [Physical skin measurements in acne and pyoderma]. Ude P. Cosmetologica. 1970 Dec 20;19(11-12):411-6. German. [Efficacy of Non-ovlon in female patients with acne vulgaris]. Klinger G, Reich P, Hempel E. Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena). 1970 Dec 1;64(3):1202-5. German. Prevalence…